
July - December

I enjoyed the summer and the first summervecation in two years. Had the worlds best birthday with good friends and my dear boy at my cabin. It felt like I only had the greatest of things in front of me; a boyfriend, school, new job, an apartment.


I moved into a new apartment with three others, had my boyfriend in Oslo, started on a Bachlore program at UiO, started to work at Platekompaniet in Oslo and had great expectations for the remains of the year.

I saw Tori Amos in concert for the third time, and I played a good student and a good homewife by cleaning the apartment and cooking meals for myself and with the boy

I recieved some bad news that I would, later on, have a hard time getting over. I had to have some kind of change in my life so I colored my hair red. I ended the month with a wonderfull halloweenparty at a friends apartment

This month was hard as always. I spent the time failing my driverslicense, get over the bad news and reading for my exam in litterature from the classical antiquity to the 17th century. On top of that my dear grandfather died. There were some good moments with party with my colleagues and a trip to the north with the boy to vissit his mother.

I finished my first semester at UiO and had the time to enjoy some books off the curriculum. I saw Eddie Izzard live (I was right at the front), experienced my first christmas at the recordsstore in Oslo, celebrated christmas and new years eve in my hometown and got the best gift ever from the boy: an old Singer sewingmachine


supermarie said...

Herlige bilder, du er så pen!
Du bør absolutt prøve ut wardrobe ja, jeg selger klær der DAGLIG nå!

supermarie said...

Ja, det går an å få med ulik styrke! Det kan du velge under hvert av linseparene. Anbefales virkelig.

Som regel sender jeg bare i sånn vanlig konvolutt, spørs litt på størrelsen av klærne. Har brukt smartpost 1 gang. Det går å pakke inn plagget i gråpapir også, og bare sende det sånn.
Jeg pleier å ta i mot pengene først, og når pengene er inne sender jeg klærne. Fungerer fint hver gang! Ikke ta gjennom postoppkrav bare, for det koster over 200 kr for de som skal ta i mot. Hehe.

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