
Before I write anything else...

...I can already feel a big change is comming.
It almost made me cry when I saw that
Obama won the election.

I've had a lovely trip to London (gonna write a seperate entry for it), but on the other hand I've got a nasty cold or something. It all began when we were taking the buss to the airport yesterday. When I came home I got so tired that I passed out on the sofa. I don't know if it was the fever or something else, but I kept dreaming the same bloody dream over and over again. My throat is so sore, and I am still pretty ill, so I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. I feel really terrible for staying home from work when its so much to do there, but I'm affraid I will just get worse if I work to hard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

håper du hadde en fin london tur :)
og at du vil være modell for meg når jeg kommer hjem.:) hehe.

du bør lese bøker av skrevet av Francesca Lia BLock, om du ikke har det allerede. Hun skriver fantastiske bøker :) Som er ganske enkle, men fordet veldig sære!

Anyhow, god bedring søte :)

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