

Though we share this humble path, alone
How fragile is the heart
Oh give these clay feet wings to fly
To touch the face of the stars

Breathe life into this feeble heart
Lift this mortal veil of fear
Take these crumbled hopes, etched with tears
We'll rise above these earthly cares

Cast your eyes on the ocean
Cast your soul to the sea
When the dark night seems endless
Please remember me...
Loreena McKennit

It was my grandfathers funeral today. I'm gonna miss him.

"Født gæ'rn. Fanga vill"


...att leva mitt liv som Olle Extraliv

Tjugodredje juli. I dag har jag tänkt mycket på vår stundt här på jorden, alltings storhet, men också litenhet. Altså alla ska ju dö en dag. Så är det ju bara.

Jag vet inte, jag försöker att tänke mig det. Ett sista djupt andetag, man fyller bröstkorgen tills den är helt sprängfylld, hjärtat kramar i en avslutande kramp, och till hjärnan strömmar det varmt blod, yrsel och värme, för att seda rinna bort. Lite i taget. Du är borta, det kanske är skönt, fan vet jag?

Jag minns en kille som hette Olle Extraliv. Han blev påkörd av en buss men överlevde. Men han ska ju också dö en dag men inte den här gången, han har ju ett liv til, Olle Extraliv. Det måste vara jävligt skönt att få en andra chans, en andra chans å leva, att leva mitt liv som Olle Extraliv.

Farväl Falkenberg


sail away...

I'm gonna miss your funny comments and funny stories,
your odd and sweet character
and your positive way of thinking.

You were one of a kind.

Take care and sleep well, grandfather


Christmas wishlist:

I already got one of the best gifts I could wish for:
I got some days off work to spend time with my lovely family.

... other things I wish for (more than anything else):


something personal or homemade

to pass this year at uni

a lovely little appartment with the boy:
a place I can call home

... if that is not possible, I would like:

a small clothingiron and an old sewing machine
(nothing expensive)

books about everything and nothing
(interesting subjects or some good fiction)

hairstyling products:
(prong clips, duckbill clips, steam rollers and hot rollers)

gorgeous underwear
(retro or vintage inspired)

pretty clothes
(from modcloth.com


Dream interior #1

So after some time I will start my first entry on the introductions of my favourite interior. The first one out is:


as seen in Atonement:
1891 Jacobethan style with some interior to match the 30s

Some of the pictures taken from:
The New York Times



Today I've been planning a new career: stay-at-home housewife. I've been cleaning the entire appartment, rearranged the living room, washed some clothes and baked. Now I've just made some scrambled eggs and I'm just about to make some hot chocolate. I've even rolled up my hair. Do you want to hire me as you're housewife?


The Grumbler

Grumbling is undue censure of one’s portion.

The Grumbler is one who, when his friend has sent him a present from his table, will say to the bearer, ‘You grudged me my soup and my poor wine, or you would have asked me to dinner.’ He will annoyed with Zeus, not for not raining, but for raining too late; and, if he finds a purse on the road, ‘Ah,’ he will say, ‘but I have never found a treasure!’ When he has bought a slave cheap after much coaxing of the seller, ‘It is strange,’ he will remark, ‘if I have got a sound lot such a bargain.’ To one who brings him good news, ‘A son is born to you,’ he will reply, ‘If you add that I have lost half my property, you will speak the truth.’ When he has won a lawsuit by a unanimous verdict, he will find fault with the composer of his speech for having left out several points in his case. If a subscription has been raised for him by his friends, and someone says to him ‘Cheer up!’ — ‘Cheer up?’ he will answer; ‘when I have to refund his money to every man, and to be grateful besides, as if I had been done a service!’

Theophrastus(371-287BC): Characters


I love masquerademasks, so why not combine it with something more halloween-ish.
This was me yesterday:

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