
This is no brain bender, but try figure out this years halloween costume.
The pic is just for inspiration though, I'm thinking a mix between the more traditional character, abit more retro, and abit more blood (but just a tiny bit)

What are your costume this year?


Miss Margarita said...

Jeg hadde ikke tenkt å gjøre noe ut av Halloween jeg.. men nå fikk jeg faktisk lyst til å kle meg ut ;)

Pandora said...

Da syns jeg du skal kle de ut! Halloween er for meg bare en unnskyldning for å kle meg ut, uansett fest eller ikke : )

Christina said...

Kommer det noen bilder fra Halloween etterhvert eller?:) Spent på å se hvordan det ble!

Pandora said...

Det blir det nok, men jeg har egentlig veldig få bra bilder. Glemte helt å få tatt ordentig bilde av kostymet.

pumps & luiers said...

cool picture - that would make one hot costume ;p We don't really do the dress-up for halloween in Belgium but I would go black retro inspired adams family if I could choose - great blog btw

Pandora said...

Thank you!
Halloween is not really big here in Norway either, but there's some halloween parties. Party or not, I'm dressing up! : )
Retro imspired Adams family sounds lovely :)

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