
My summer of (bookish) love...

The summer is coming to an end. I always feel abit nostalgic and melancholic at this time of the year, feeling that the summer is over too quickly. And I have to admit, abit sad that there is yet another year until I can read as much as I would like to. As you can see, I've taken a small break lately, and I'm not really sure where I'm heading with this blog. I will continue to post whenever I feel like it, but to be honest, I'm not really sure how much time I have to spare. I finished my bachelor's degree in literature this spring, but this year I'm taking a few courses to give me a bachelor's degree in Celtic and Norse Studies. And I don't really think the year after that will give me any more to spare either, because then I will hopefully start on my master's degree in Information Studies in Brighton (cross your fingers for me!)

But sometimes I do have time to spare, and this time I just wanted to share with you some of the books I've bought lately (and 'some' might be the right way to put it, because I've managed to buy around thirty books the last months... oops!). 

I went to a flee market in my hometown yesterday, and it only took me about an hour to buy ten books. They were only 10NOK each (which is around £1)!

I also received a few books from Barnes & Noble last week. Take a look at these beauties! I really love these leatherbound books from B&B, and I already have Gray's Anatomy, The Story of King Arthur and his Knights, a Dickens and a Shakespeare collection in the same series.

And look at the birthday gift my sister gave me. I've been looking at this every time I've visited Waterstones in London, but it has been too large to take with me (thanks to luggage restriction) and I've never gotten around to order it online. It is a survey of the Earth's natural history and contains some amazing photographs of over 5,000 species

Have you bought some new books lately? Or are there some gorgeous books you can't wait to get your hands on? Do share!

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