
Stocking up for winter...

One of the things I associate with winter is dry skin and dry hair, so I've already stocked up on products to keep my skin and hair mosturized. Today I bought some products on iherb, and I can't wait to try them out:

Jason Natural Apricot Conditioner, Desert Essence Conditioner in Coconut, Shikai Color Reflect Warm Shampoo and Aubrey Organcis Scalp Soothing Shampoo.

Jason Natural Hand and Body Lotion in Rosewater, Nubian Heritage Body Wash in Coconut, Papaya with Vanilla, Desert Essence Oganics Body Care Body Wash in Raspberry.

NutriBiotic Natural Body Foot Powder, Kiss My Face Foot Creme and Scrub

Jason Natural Apricot Scrub, Jason Natural Nourishing Cocoa Butter Moisturizing Creme and Avalon Lavender Facial Cleansing

I only use makeup and hair products that are not tested on animals, but I would love to gradually replace all my beauty products with natural and organic products. The products I bought from iherb are organic, vegan, cruelty free and with no parabens. On top of that they all have smells that can bring me back to the summer on cold winter days. Originally I would love to make my own product and to gradually stop using products on my hair, but that has to wait until I stop using collor on my hair. One step at a time, right? Next step is to replace all my laundry products. If you have any great tips, please let me know!


eyrepm said...

Jeg sliter med det samme selv. Men 13 produkter? :P

Pandora said...

Vel, som du ser så er det ikke 13 produkter til én og samme ting. Deilig å kunne ha noe å velge mellom og prøve litt forskjellig også. Ikke ble det dyrt heller

Enchanted said...

Ahh, så herlige produkter! Og så fint at de alle er mest emulig naturlig/økologisk, synes det er mye deiligere med dem enn vanlige, føler meg mer ren og ikke tilgriset med masse stoffer og sånt, også får jo samvittigheten et løft! Åh, vil shoppe masse hudpleie og hårpleie jeg og nå kjenner jeg.

Pandora said...

Ja, jeg må si jeg gleder meg til å få de i posten! Jeg kan absolutt anbefale iherb. Veldig billig!

lifecell anti aging cream said...

that's nice.....good stock for winter.

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